Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

I feel compelled to point out that if the Ukrainian Armed Forces were not capable of grinding the Russian offensive into a stalemate none of this would matter.

The digital wins in Ukraine have depended entirely upon analog efforts. A TikTok video or clever tweet are great for propaganda, but wholly irrelevant in the moments of gunfire and sprinting and frantic first aid.

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(respectfully) Disagree. No matter the strength of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, the power of 100++ million people in the digital world putting pressure on governments and companies to exit Russia and support Ukraine is an on-going material advantage. (that can not be overstated) Our point is that Volodymyr's ability to crush Vladimir in the digital world is a leading contributor to his success in the analog world. Further, every CEO should pay heed. (& we know that most will not, and we believe they will be fired because of it)

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Apr 28, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

Zelensky's media savvy backfired after getting caught in a few false flags. The comedian and green screen king has lost credibility and preferred his ego to preserving the blood of his people. How does censorship fit into the digital / analog framework? CNN gaslighted us into thinking Ukraine was winning and it was a lie all along. We also weren't told the story of the Donbas region who have lost over 13 thousand people to the Zelensky regime since he was installed by the US.

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Mar 26, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

Both worlds. We breath air, survive on a planet, communicate both in real space and cyberspace. They work together. Now if only humans could.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

I agree and believe that's all true. My point is that the world would care a lot less if Volodymyr's videos were coming from Warsaw or Paris instead of Kyiv. If the Ukrainians had not stood and fought, if Zelensky had fled the country (He is being targeted for assassination by the Wagner Group) then it wouldn't matter how cleverly crafted his videos were.

The Russians express goal was to take Kyiv as quickly as possible. The sanctions, the supplies, all of the support from the west would've felt superfluous had that goal been achieved. Ukraine can only win the digital war because they haven't lost the analog war.

Remember how Afghanistan was a huge deal and then people stopped caring? The same would've happened here if the Russians had been successful.

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Yes yes. And our point is Volodymyr's digital mastery has mobilized the analog world like never before, while Vladimir surrender the digital completely. Which we believe will go down in history as a major blunder. Further, we see Native Analog CEOs making the same Vladimir mistake, while many startups are trying to win in the Native Digital world (Volodymyr)

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Mar 22, 2022·edited Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

Pointing to the obvious (to me), if you want a leader for today and the next decade, make it at Xennial (elder millennial/Gen X).

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Thx Dana! 🏴‍☠️

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Mar 24, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

F***ing brilliant - thank you!

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Thanks Alex 🏴‍☠️

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Mar 23, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

I work for an airline, and the divide between Native Analogs & Native Digitals is stark. New technology has been rolled out at a (relatively) rapid clip over the last 4-5 years. Digital natives take it in stride. Analogs just wonder what hit 'em.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

Cole -- you write "even Exxon does not want to be on the wrong side of history.'

I agree. No one does. One would hope that, if he is not intent on blowing up the world first, Vladimir Putin does as well.

He is like a man standing on the edge of a very high building and we want to talk him down. The global consequences are disastrous. I am suggesting that, just perhaps a well-orchestrated digital campaign might be a way to engage the world, get his attention, make him quite angry and ultimately send him a message that will allow him to withdraw with grace.

Could we use a viral campaign to give Vladimir Putin a new name by which history will remember him?

What if people throughout the world were encouraged to not speak his name but rather refer to him at "Vomitus Puking" and to make a personal video of them saying "Vomitus Puking" and then retching, to be posted on TikTok, etc. Fifteen seconds -- an easy selfie with lots of room for interpretation.

If the movement does go viral and someone asks why are we doing this, we explain that "It is because there is an alternative for Vomitus Puking.

If he takes the first step in making peace more profitable than war by withdrawing his troops and undertaking a new foreign and domestic policy for Mother Russia, he would be remembered as a global leader with tremendous foresight.

President Puking might be able to sleep and laugh again.

Otherwise, he's scared shitless of dying.

Have you laughed yet? Laughing is a very good antidote for circumstances like this. Vomitus would hate, more than anything, to be laughed at.

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Maybe "Pitler" (Putin + Hitler = Pitler)

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The challenge is to get a breath of wind under the mission. Now that the idea is almost boiled down to its most basic, that will be next. This must be simple and targeted to a sector that can catch fire quickly and spread with epic velocity.

This is war and despite the fact that it is so far away and distant from OUR experience, when one person dies anywhere, it affects all of us.

Earthlings just don't know.

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

This reshapes everything... I think there is a lot of education to do in this area and I appreciate these insights.

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Thank you Kris. Please share widely. We think every business leader should take heed.🏴‍☠️

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Mar 22, 2022Liked by Category Pirates 🏴‍☠️

Awesome article and insights!

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THANK YOU Kenneth!.... Pls share broadly! Arrrrr🏴‍☠️

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Excellent article. I only disagree in one single point: Companies are stopping their business in Russia not because of public pressure but because they are cut off from the money flow. Switching Russia off from SWIFT made it impossible for any non-Russian company to move money outside Russia. Companies simply have to stop because they cannot make money anymore.

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Excellent and profound! Thank you!

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